Friday, April 8, 2011

2nd Hand Shopping

It's friday! :D (and we all thank ms. Black for making it the most annoying day of the week.)

Anyways, I went into town today with a friend of mine who's actually the person that I come to if I have problems (because of my exchange year), but we've grown on each other and it's always fun hanging out with her.

So we took out to Kali (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße, Leipzig), which is a rather 'funny' place to hang out; it's kind of subcultural and it's basically the place where all the secondhand stores and little cafés are.

I am as always on a budget, so I didn't get anything except a leopard scarf and a lilac shirt (with freaking shoulderpads, guys!!! :D)

So, there's the shirt. What do you guys think?! It's not what I'd normally wear but I fell in love with it, so I had to have it! ^^
Hmm, yeah. I don't know what else to say. Not much has happened since my last blog post, but I just felt like writing a little something.

Lots of love - remember, always be true to who you are ♥

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