So I haven't written a new post in quite a while, but there has been nothing of importance going on. But now, I present to you:
Judas, the new Lady Gaga song!
So this song has gotten a lot of shit for having a boring beat and blasphemous lyrics. And what do I think about it? I really, really like it! :) I wouldn't say I love it, because it's definitely not my favorite Gaga song, but I like how she's bringing the gothic feel from Bad Romance back in the game. So thumbs up, Gaga!
Now, I see why people all over the World are getting offended by the lyrics, but come on, people; she obviously doesn't mean that she's literally in love with the biblical Judas, and also, she's religious herself. Now, I don't mind people writing lyrics like this as long as they're religious themselves or at least very, very respectful! I don't know why, it's just a matter of respect to me, I guess. For example, I saw a girl (who is in no way religious) on Facebook posting the song, saying "Gaga is in love with Judas, I fucked Jesus!", and I'm like, "bitch... no.". It's so disgraceful to me.
But I honestly think that Gaga kept the respect and kept it clean. I like the point of the song, and it's a very catchy beat.
And for those people who talk shit about it for not being "as good as Gaga normally is": why do you expect her to come out with Bad Romance prt. 2? It's a catchy song, and that's what Gaga's music is; catchy pop beats with a lot of influences from other genres. And that's exactly what this is.
If you hate it, wear an ear condom next time!
^ The cover for Born This Way, the record. I get the whole idea with her being born fierce, but I'm not that into it. I hope she's messing with us!
I think it should've looked like this:
Ranting done, points proven.
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